moment.js Tips n Tricks: Add Business Days

I needed a really quick and dirty way to add business days to a date.  We are currently using moment.js to handle our date functionality.  Here is the script I used:

    public addBusinessDays(date, daysToAdd) {
        var cnt = 0;
        var tmpDate = moment(date);
        while (cnt < daysToAdd) {
            tmpDate = tmpDate.add('days', 1);
            if (tmpDate.weekday() != moment().day("Sunday").weekday() && tmpDate.weekday() != moment().day("Saturday").weekday()) {
                cnt = cnt + 1;

        return tmpDate;


Here is another way to handle the same thing that works better for large numbers. Full credit for this code goes to leonardosantos, I am reposting it so that I have a copy.

 * momentjs-business.js
 * businessDiff (mStartDate)
 * businessAdd (numberOfDays)
(function () {
  var moment;
  moment = (typeof require !== "undefined" && require !== null) &&
           !require.amd ? require("moment") : this.moment;

  moment.fn.businessDiff = function (start) {
    start = moment(start);
    var end = this.clone();
    var start_offset = - 7;
    var end_offset =;

    var end_sunday = end.clone().subtract('d', end_offset);
    var start_sunday = start.clone().subtract('d', start_offset);
    var weeks = end_sunday.diff(start_sunday, 'days') / 7;

    start_offset = Math.abs(start_offset);
    if(start_offset == 7)
      start_offset = 5;
    else if(start_offset == 1)
      start_offset = 0;
      start_offset -= 2;

    if(end_offset == 6)

    return weeks * 5 + start_offset + end_offset;

  moment.fn.businessAdd = function (days) {
    var d = this.clone().add('d', Math.floor(days / 5) * 7);
    var remaining = days % 5;
      d.add('d', 1);
      if( !== 0 && !== 6)
    return d;


3 thoughts on “moment.js Tips n Tricks: Add Business Days

    • Hi, I’m sure there is a much cleaner way to refactor this code. Many changes have been made to Moment.js since I first wrote this. 🙂


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