Links: April 17

Code, code and more code.: Technical Debt, a case study : tags: At Stack Exchange, we have a fair understanding of technical debt. Like real debt, technical debt is not by necessity a bad thing – it can allow you to choose an acceptable (but not ideal) solution today, which means you can ship today, but you know that at some point you are going to have to revisit it. Like all loans, technical debt carries interest.

— Marc Gravell


Write Code Every Day: Last fall, work on my coding side projects came to a head: I wasn’t making adequate progress and I couldn’t find a way to get more done without sacrificing my ability to do effective work at Khan Academy.

There were a few major problems with how I was working on my side projects. I was primarily working on them during the weekends and sometimes in the evenings during the week. This is a strategy that does not work well for me, as it turns out.

— John Resig


Exploring ASP.NET Web Pages – A fully-featured MiniBlog using just Razor: ASP.NET “Razor” Web Pages are ASP.NET sites without models, views, controllers, or project files. Some folks say “oh, that’s just Classic ASP, or PHP right? Not at all. It’s the full power and speed of the .NET CLR, the full syntax of C#, LINQ, along with things like C# dynamics. It’s super powerful, and my friend Mads and I are surprised more people don’t use them for small things.

— Scott Hanselman